Week 2 – September 1

Homework due today:

1) Introduction post below (look at mine as an example) click the + sign to post (the reply button does not appear to be working for me, but the + sign does)

2) Attend the Egypt and Ancient Near East lecture during the live Zoom session (if you’re an expert, don’t forget to post here)

(Images related to this lecture are below)



Ziggurat – (in ancient Mesopotamia) a rectangular stepped tower, sometimes surmounted by a temple

Polychrome – multiple colors

Stucco – to coat or decorate with plaster

Ka – (in ancient Egypt) the supposed spiritual part of an individual human being or god, which survived (with the soul) after death and could reside in a statue of the person.

Pharoah – a ruler in ancient Egypt

Enslaved people – use enslaved rather than “slave” to challenge the assumption that slavery is ever a choice of the individual forced into it. ‘enslaved’ linguistically suggests an outside force causing the person to be without freedom

CE – Common Era

BCE – Before Common Era

60 thoughts on “Week 2 – September 1

  1. *UPDATE*: If you want to reply to someone’s post, you click the + sign (the reply button seems to not work, at least for me)

    Hi everyone, please post your intros here!
    Please state your:
    1) name – what you’d like to be called in class by professor and classmates
    3) major (if declared)
    4) why you signed up for this class
    5) favorite movie or tv show you watched or book you read this summer
    6) the last art object you saw (this can be anything, does not need to be from a museum or gallery, just something you found artistically compelling in some way)

    Here is my intro as an example
    1) Professor McCreight
    2) she/her/hers
    3) I was an art and philosophy major in my undergrad and have an MA in Aesthetics
    4) I love to teach students at Brooklyn College
    5) Movie: The Mauritanian Tv Show: Ted Lasso Book: How To Weep in Public by Jaqueline Novak
    6) Jacob Lawrence’s Migration painting at the De Young Museum in San Francisco, Gerda Taro’s cover image of regards Magazine from June 10, 1937 “Guernica! Almeria! Et demain?” at the Met, and a cute street painting of a girl with pink hair holding a hammer in Bayview SF

  2. 1) Esther
    2) She/her
    3) Psychology
    4) I want to learn more about art since it pertains to my future career
    5) TV show: The Witcher
    6) A painting of the beach shore on the wall of a dental office in Long Island. It caught my eye since it provided a sense of calmness in the waiting room

  3. Hey everyone, nice to virtually meet all of you and I am looking forward to taking this class 🙂
    1) Melissa
    2) She/her/hers
    3) I am a Film-Screenwriting major and also am interested in Film Production, English, Creative Writing, TREM, Women’s Studies and PRLS Studies.
    4) I am taking this class as a core requirement, however I specifically chose Art History because I’ve always enjoyed art since I was younger, as well as the meanings and stories behind different art pieces.
    5) Book: Brown Girl, Brownstones
    6) Art Object: Some paintings at the Fort Hamilton Parkway train station in Brooklyn that are really intriguing, of floral art.

  4. Hello everyone
    1. Erika
    2. She/Her
    3. Kinesiology
    4. I signed up for this class because it is one of my requirements to graduate
    5. TV Show: The Office
    6. I don’t remember her name but there was a girl who completely transformed herself into a zombie and showed the artistic process

  5. 1) Idrees
    2) He/Him
    3) Health and Nutrition Sciences
    4) While it is a core requirement, I took this course from 30 other courses because I enjoy art and history, so this course combined two things I like.
    5) Mr. Robot and Attack on Titan are some of my favorite shows
    6) I went to SuperReal NYC and it was such a stunning art show

  6. 1. Halisa
    2. she/her/hers
    3. My major is pre med.
    4. I was very interested in taking an art elective class for my requirements.
    5. My favorite movie is the parent trap.
    6. The last art object I seen was when I went to the Artec house in the city. It was an amazing experience.

  7. 1. Raquela Fisher
    2. she/her
    3. psychology
    4. I signed up for this class because it is one of my requirements to graduate.
    5. TV SHOW: Outer Banks
    6. I saw this reallyyyyyyy coollll crystal that really caught my eye.

  8. 1) Mabelin
    2) She/Her
    3) Art/Animation
    4) It is a requirement, but I also find the history of art interesting.
    5) Hannibal
    6) A type of painting in glass, the back of it is painted for the front

  9. 1) Danya Corlette
    2) She/ her/ hers
    3) Psychology with a minor in Children and Youth Studies
    4) I signed up for this class because this is my last semester and I needed an elective to take. Aside from just needing an elective I also enjoy art. I was also curious about art history.
    5) Book: Buck a Memoir by M.K. Asante
    TV Show: All American
    6) The last art object I saw was the exhibit of Color in The Museum of Natural History.

  10. 1) Rivka
    2) She/her
    3) Biology
    4) I chose this class because out of all of the options to fulfill this requirement it piqued my curiosity the most.
    5) The Neuroscientist Who Lost Her Mind by Barbara K. Lipska and Elaine McArdle
    6) I was in Manhattan and I passed by an art class. All of the members were following the instructor and had nearly identical colorful paintings of a sunset field. However, there was one person who had gone a completely different route and painted a bleak moonlit field. It was clear she used similar techniques to the other students, but the result was intentionally different. I was drawn to the contrast between her unique artistic vision and the surrounding uniform paintings.

  11. 1) Sarah Altohami
    2) She/her
    3) Biology
    4) I signed up for this class because it’s one of the requirements to graduate.
    5) TV show (anime): Attack on Titan
    6) I saw a ceiling had a very pretty and cool art work which was sculptured and had different colors it’s very well done.

  12. Hey everyone! Good first class today-
    1- My name is Ronald, but you can call me Ronnie.
    2- My pronouns are He/Him/His
    3- I haven’t declared my major yet, but I’m thinking of business management.
    4- I signed up for this class because I love the arts- from music, to photography, and different kinds of paintings and sculptures (and it is a requirement… no bs here…)
    5- My favorite TV show this summer is “Outer Banks”- I didn’t think I would like it, but I totally binged the 2 seasons every night after work.
    6- The CEO of my company loves art, so he has a bunch of art around his office. Today, I noticed one of his Zen-type pieces where on the bottom it reads “inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit”

  13. 1. My name is Saklain.
    2. My pronouns are He/Him.
    3. I am majoring in Exercise Science BS.
    4. I signed up for this class because it was the most appealing out of the required courses.
    5. My favorite TV show is Fresh Prince of Bel-Air because it is funny and has a unique background story to it.
    6. The last art object I saw was a painting of a view of NYC’s skyscrapers.

  14. 1. Heaven
    3. Undeclared
    4. Its one of my pathway courses and I find art history to be very interesting
    5. Seven Deadly Sins
    6. I recently watched this Tik Tok of someone asking artificial intelligence “what does sleep paralysis look like?” and it generated an image of 209 layers which looked pretty fascinating and caught my attention. Here’s the link to the Tik Tok if anyone wants to watch : https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRMjLve2/

  15. Hi everyone 🙂 Looking forward to this class and fully immersing myself in art history.
    1) Vivienne (pronounced Viv’yen) or Viv for short.
    2) She/her/hers.
    3) Business Administration.
    4) I signed up for this class because it is a required elective, but also because I’m an art and history buff and this combines them both! 🙂
    5) Personal favorites this summer (and always) – Movie: Climax (Horror/Drama) by Gaspar Noe; TV show: It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia; Book: Mexican Gothic.
    6) My own digital drawing. Drawing has always been a hobby of mine and this year I picked up graphic drawing on a digital art pad; I also came across a beautiful Lee Reynolds painting of L’Arc de Triomphe.

  16. 1) Xinyu
    2) she/her
    3) I haven’t decided yet, but I am thinking about biology.
    4)Because I need this credit and my friend recommended me to took this course.
    5)My favorite movie this summer is “Fatherhood”.
    6)The last art object I saw is a painting of lavender on the wall downstairs in my house.

  17. 1. Riskia
    2. She/her
    3. Psychology
    4. I have finished my major requirements but don’t have enough credits to graduate yet, therefore I decided this would be a fun elective class to take
    5. Favorite book would be Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
    Favorite movie is a Turkish film called The Miracle in Cell No. 7
    6. A painting of the Brooklyn Bridge that we bought for our living room

  18. 1) Nusrat Ahmede
    2) She/Her
    3) Currently I am not declared in any major, but I hope to either go into Biology or Health and Nutrition Sciences
    4) I had signed up for this course because it was a course requirement but out of all the courses I found this art class to be the most intriguing. I had also taken art in high school and loved the course and I am also very interested in furthering my knowledge about aspects in art.
    5) A tv show I watched this summer that I really enjoyed was Manifest.
    6) The last art object I observed was a mural located in Manhattan on the side of a building.

  19. 1) Koulien.
    2) She/her
    3) Major: Health and Nutrition Science, Minor: Psychology
    4) I enrolled in this class because I would like to learn about the evolutionary process of art. I grew up doing different artistic activities such as drawing, painting, playing instruments, performing arts such as dancing and acting, and I have also witnessed wonderful architectural and sculptural arts around the world, musicals in NYC such as Hamilton among others, and natural and historical monuments from Latin America such as in Venezuela and Mexico. I feel that learning about the history of the arts is important to me because just as science has evolved, so has art. Both science and art are part of the creation of a society. So, it is important to know how people thought and saw the world before. On the art, it would be interesting to know what inspired those people in the past to create art, what they considered art and how those ideas transcended today.
    5) Movie: Minari, Book: An Unquiet Mind by Kay Redfield Jamison and The Quiet Room by Lori Schiller, my favorite TV show of all time is Game of Thrones but I think for this summer the TV show Emily in Paris is my favorite.
    6)These days I visit Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library and on the first floor, entering on its right side there is a large book display table, on the front wall there is an animated painting of that library that shows interior aspects such as the organization of the books, computers, floors and terrace, among others, and external aspects such as structure and design. This painting caught my attention because it shows the modern space that this library occupies in this city. The painting can be persuaded with its simple colors and hues such as serene.

  20. 1. Jessica
    2. She/Her
    3. Psychology major
    4. I signed up for this class because it is a requirement, however I think it’ll be nice to look at art pieces more closely and learn to appreciate someone’s work.
    5. The last movie I saw this summer was “escape room” and it wasn’t bad, a good sequel to the first one. I would recommend it.
    6. I think the last piece of art I saw was a mural in china town. Don’t remember the exact location but I remember stopping to look at it and thinking it was pretty cool.

  21. 1) Jaymee
    2) She/Her
    3) Biology
    4) I love art so I wanted to learn more about the history
    5) A tv show I watched that I really liked was The Undoing
    6) I went to the Van Gogh exhibit and looked at some of his art (and my favorite: Starry night)

  22. 1)My name is Mehrangiz, Mary for short.
    3)I am majoring in Biology
    4)I signed up for this class because I was always more interested in the historical aspect of things and I like to learn more about arts.
    5)Criminal minds, House MD
    6)I saw a sculpture of a mom holding her baby which was really eye-catching.

  23. 1) name – Yadira
    3) Art
    4) why you signed up for this class: Due to my Major
    5) favorite movie or tv show you watched or book you read this summer: show: Greys Anatomy book: five people you meet in heaven.
    6) the last art object you saw : a plastic bag dancing with the wind. it was quite interesting the way it swirled around like it was a choreographed dance.

  24. 1)Hi my name is Renelsa Austin
    2)My pronoun She/her
    3)My major is Accounting
    4) I signed up for this class because it was a core requirement and I was very interested in knowing how Art came about
    5)My favorite movie is Saves The Last Dance
    6)the last artwork I saw was an Egyptian family portrait oil painting that looked very lovely being sold in the Burlington store

  25. 1) name – I go by Morgan 🙂
    3) major (if declared)-philosophy
    4) why you signed up for this class-to learn more about art so I can perceive it more clearly
    5) favorite movie or tv show you watched or book you read this summer-The Edible Woman-Margaret Atwood
    6) the last art object you saw (this can be anything, does not need to be from a museum or gallery, just something you found artistically compelling in some way)-lately I have been getting into Woody Allen films

  26. 1) Mariyum
    2) She/Her
    3) Biology
    4) Required for graduation
    5) Movie: Space Sweepers
    6) My friend’s painting of flowers

  27. 1) Matanel
    2) They/them
    3) Undecided
    4) I like both art and history.
    5) I’ve enjoyed various shows and movies. Movie: Inglourious Basterds/The Shining. TV Show/s: Mayday/Rick & Morty.
    6) Hammering Man in Seattle.

  28. 1) Richard Jean-Baptiste
    2) He
    3) Undecided
    4) I enjoy learning about art and history
    5) The Last Kingdom

  29. 1. Wenjing Su
    2. She/Her
    3. Accounting
    4. I signed up for this course because it is a requirement. I like art very much. I usually like to go to museums and oil painting exhibitions. This course can let me learn more about their history and significance.
    5. Movie: Free Guy
    6. The Starry Night. It was a painting by Vincent van Gogh. When I saw this painting, I was deeply shocked. Van Gogh has a superior ability to perceive and express in a painting. This painting is very similar to the photos taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.

  30. 1. Onaisha David
    2. She/Her
    3. Biology
    4. I signed up for this course because it was one of my requirements. But more so I haven’t taken an art class since my freshman year of high school and I’ve always felt I never truly saw the value in art. I’m hoping to learn how to look at art for just pictures or sculptures but feelings, stories, and more.
    5. My favorite book that I read this Summer is Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. It is about a young man growing up in the early 1950’s and facing several adversities that creates a struggle with his identity as an African American.
    6. Something I found artistically compelling is a tattoo a coworker of mine has of a Kaws piece. Kaws is a series of art by an artist that uses cartoon characters in his pieces and recreates them. Characters from Elmo have been his most popular recreations. After seeing this tattoo I searched it up and found that they had an exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum which prompted me to purchase tickets. Seeing the sculptures in person was a great experience. Putting a twist on something I was very familiar with and turning it into art was very amusing to me

  31. 1) Anastasiia
    2) She/Her
    3) I signed up for this course to organize some of my knowledge about ART, and to learn how to verbally express my perception of ART.
    4) The Irishman (2019, Martin Scorsese). It was a little bit depressing movie that fascinated and horrified me with the story about the disappearance of man’s decency through abandoning his life principles for nothing.
    5) I was on the way to my workplace on Saturday morning. It was around 6:40 AM, I took a Q train that was supposed to bring me to Manhattan. Luckily, not many people are interested in the ride so early and I was able to choose my favorite spot near the window. I was looking through the window, in a mental piece, without any interruptions, my headphones were resting and charging that morning. On the opposite railroads, I saw a nice boot. One boot on the railroad. I was trying to imagine what happened last night on Friday with the owner of that shoe if she/he/ they alright. Boot on the railroad is a piece of ART for me created not by the owner of the shoe, but by the city itself. By this huge breathing and expressive machine that never sleeps.

  32. 1) Anastasiia
    2) She/Her
    3) I signed up for this course to organize some of my knowledge about ART, and to learn how to verbally express my perception of ART.
    4) The Irishman (2019, Martin Scorsese). It was a little bit depressing movie that fascinated and horrified me with the story about the disappearance of man’s decency through abandoning his life principles for nothing.
    5) I was on the way to my workplace on Saturday morning. It was around 6:40 AM, I took a Q train that was supposed to bring me to Manhattan. Luckily, not many people are interested in the ride so early and I was able to choose my favorite spot near the window. I was looking through the window, in a mental piece, without any interruptions, my headphones were resting and charging that morning. On the opposite railroads, I saw a nice boot. One boot on the railroad. I was trying to imagine what happened last night on Friday with the owner of that shoe if she/he/ they alright. Boot on the railroad is a piece of ART for me created not by the owner of the shoe, but by the city itself. By this huge breathing and expressive machine that never sleeps.

  33. 1. Onaisha David
    2. She/Her
    3. Biology
    4. I signed up for this class to try and see art for more than just pictures, drawings, paintings or sculptures. I want to understand the true emotion and meaning of art.
    5. My favorite book from this summer is Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. This book is about a young African American boy facing several adversities which make him question his identity.
    6. The last art object I saw was on a coworker of mine arm. He had a Kaws tattoo which prompted me to search it up and visit an exhibit they have at the Brooklyn Museum which I really enjoyed.

  34. 1) Suparna Saha
    2) She/Her
    3) Computer Science
    4) I love studying and creating art so I thought this would be an interesting course to take.
    5) Movie: Demon Slayer Mugen Train Tv Show: Penthouse: War in Life Book: Scythe by Neal Shusterman
    6) The Beuchet chair illusion at the museum of illusions.

  35. 1) Annabelle Rosas
    2) She/her/hers
    3) Undecided
    4) Satisfied my common core and was the most interesting!
    5) Movie: There will be blood
    6) A glass vase decorated with koi fish

  36. Hi everyone!
    1. Valery Verbovetski
    2. She/her/hers
    3. Business administration
    4. I needed an elective course.
    5. Favorite show as of right now is Brooklyn 99.
    6.I saw “Cabinet-Secretary” Kimbel and Cabus, and I thought it just looked cool and super old.

  37. Hello everyone!
    1-Mohamed Nassar/Moe
    3-Computer science
    4-i signed up for this class because I wanna know more about arts and get more into the history of it.
    5-my favorite movie is interstellar
    6-the Egyptian man portrait at the metropolitan museum and I searched a lot about it because he kind of looked like me and I’m Egyptian so I thought we are relatives.

  38. 1. Waad
    2. She
    3. Psychology
    4. I signed up for this class because it is required by cuny
    5. Show: Friends
    6. An oil painting I saw on twitter that I really liked I don’t know the name of the artist

  39. 1) Rosanna Monterosso
    2) She/Her
    3) Exercise Science
    4) Even though this class was a core requirement, I chose art because growing up I have always enjoyed art class and I thought learning about the history of it at as higher level would be interesting.
    5) My favorite tv show I watched this summer was Love Island.
    6) The last art object I saw was a beautiful mural painted outside of a privately owned bakery near where I live. It contained some of the most popular bakery items and some aspects of the Italian culture.

  40. 1) Hi everyone, I’m Amandine.
    2) She/her
    3) Psychology
    4) I needed an elective and I love art!
    5) My favorite film I’ve seen recently is The Green Knight (highly recommend!) and I recently read Lloyd Alexander’s Prydain series, which I LOVED.
    6) My partner is a papercut artist so right now our entire apartment is sort of a papercut installation while he works on a new music video. I also had the opportunity to see Hilma af Klint’s work recently and WOW!

  41. 1. Loreliz Rodriguez
    2. She/Her
    3. Speech Pathology
    4. Aside from being required, my mom is a big fan of art history and I thought it would be nice to incorporate new conversations and maybe teach her something new. I thought of it as a bonding experience.
    5. This summer, my favorite TV show that I watched is called Masterchef, which is a cooking competition. I love the show itself but I also watched it with my mom and the bond and excitement we had while watching and going back and forth of what we would cook was so much fun.
    6. Well being that I love makeup and actually do it on the side sometimes, I consider makeup an art form. There is a show on Netflix called Glow Up and the way the different artists create these pieces of art on their Face is mind blowing and creative.

  42. 1. Sandra
    2. She/Her
    3. Biology
    4. Although I had to enroll in this class to fulfill my credits, I was super interested to learn about different eras of art and history.
    5. Favorite Movie: Portrait of a Lady on Fire
    6. The most recent object I saw that I found artistically compelling was a rusted chair that was surrounded by freshly grown flowers as I was walking around Brooklyn at 8 PM on a Sunday. It definitely matched the overall vibe of the area but I found it to be interesting as the flowers had not been dried out.

  43. Hi Amandine, nice to e-meet you.

    That’s so cool that you basically have your own museum in your apartment, what are some papercut designs do you like the best?

  44. 1) Aya
    4) I always appreciated art for its beauty, but never knew anything about it. I thought this class would be interesting to take.
    5) Favorite TV Show: The Walking Dead
    6)I saw this beautiful art wall in Morocco. It had so many colors and was very vibrant and it was under a bridge so not a lot of people could really see it, but it really captured my eye.

  45. 1) Zak
    2) he/him
    3) General Mathematics
    4) Though this is a requirement, I would love to learn about the history of art.
    5) My favorite TV show is “Lost”. I strongly recommend the show to anyone who likes adventure/drama shows. I had watched the show in freshman year of high school and decided to watch the show again over this summer.
    6) I actually visited the Museum of Modern Art over the summer and the exhibits are fascinating. I saw numerous paintings and then read blurbs on the history of those paintings. It was fun applying what I already knew about the time periods to the actual paintings. The paintings are all connected to their time periods and it was fascinating making that connection and understanding what the artist was trying to portray.

  46. 1) Teresa Taylor
    2) She/her/hers
    3) Business Management
    4) In order to fulfill graduation requirements
    5) TV show: All American I binged watched it and I’m hooked. Book: The Prophets by Robert Jones Jr.
    6) Black and white mural of Biggie Smalls and Alfred Hitchcock on Decatur St and Broadway in Brooklyn. Biggie has a cigar in his mouth with a pigeon perched on it and Hitchcock has a cigar in his mouth with a raven perched on it. It’s an extension of Biggie’s reference to himself as the rap Alfred Hitchcock. He was known for his masterful storytelling in his raps.

  47. Hello everyone! I’m going to be the Learning Assistant for this class this semester! I’ll meet you all a little more officially in class this evening and go over what that all means, but for now, here’s a basic intro to me!

    1) My name is Charlie
    2) My pronouns are he/him
    3) I am an Art major (BFA) and film minor (focused on film studies)
    4) I love working as a Learning Assistant, I love art, and I hope to be an art teacher someday!
    5) I watched an absolutely incredible Japanese surreal horror comedy called House (or Hausu). HIGHLY recommend. Usually I do watch a decent amount of TV but I really haven’t this summer. As for books, I read a really interesting book about Hungarian folk customs (simply titled Hungarian Folk Customs, lol).
    6) My younger brother and I are both artists so I’m constantly surrounded by his work and my own. We watched some very cool papercut animation in my animation class earlier this week that was also super compelling!

  48. 1.Sarvinoz
    3.Business 4.To graduate 5.Thousand splendid suns 6.Bunch of art that were made of carpet

  49. (1)My name is Jiawen Mei
    (2) My pronouns she /her
    (3)My major is early childhood education
    (4) I have to take this course to complete my credits, but I also hope to have this course to understand the level of art in the past and the coexistence of art and history. Each period has the artwork of each period, and this artwork represents the historical culture and historical background of the time.
    (5)I was watching “Young Sheldon” recently, which is a very humorous but homely TV series.
    (6)I went to see Van Gogh’s exhibition “Van Gogh: Immersive” two months ago.

  50. 1) Maya Elkin
    2) she/her/hers
    3) I have not yet declared a major. However, I am leaning towards something in the marketing or nutrition field.
    4) I signed up for this class because it covered a requirement and it interested me at the same time.
    5) Tv show: Shark Tank
    6) Art object: I recently went to a pop-up show in Manhattan called Superreal where the show itself was basically displayed on the walls.

  51. 1) Christopher Sparks
    3) I’m a film production major with a minor in art, I wanna try to cinematography and concept art for films.
    4) I’m taking this class because it’s a prerequisite for a lot of other art classes but I’m happy its interesting subject matter to keep me invested in this course.
    5) The most recent film I was amazed by was 1917 the movie.
    6) I don’t know if this counts but there’s film called Mad God that’s a stop motion film that been in the works for three decades and I see that real art from the creator’s devotion to finish and how his progression with stop motion will be seen throughout the film.

  52. 1) Ashley Loja
    2) she/ her
    3)Business administration
    4) It was a requirement and the class seemed interesting
    5) supernatural
    6) I saw a painting near my house that was just created

  53. 1.) Edward Wosu
    2.) He/Him/His
    3.) BFA in Acting
    4.) I think that all history is important to learn, history as it relates to art seems very interesting to me.
    5.) Movie: JoJo Rabbit TV Show: Watchmen Book: Two Trains Running
    6.) This kind of tiki mask/statue looking thing my pops has at his place.

  54. 1) Kiah McNeil
    3) English
    4) I love history
    5)Blacklist on Netflix
    6) Intricate China dishes at my grandma’s.

  55. 1. Yesenia Alvelo2
    2. She
    3. Psych
    4. I enjoy learning about different Art works
    5. I watched a show called See on apple TV
    6. A Painting of foot prints in the sand
    7. It was a painted statue in my friends living room.

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